the podcast

shifting the paradigm we know as mother

We’re here to get real about mother and mothering. Free from the constructs of should that have set so many of us up to believe we weren’t doing it “right” and freeing ourselves around limiting stories about our relationship with our own mother.

This relationship with the person we identify as mother may be the most complex and intimate relationship we’ll ever have.

We’ll stir the cauldron of the many different relational configurations around mother and mothering. Whether you’re a man or a woman or somewhere in between.

We talk to adoptees. Adoptive parents and surrogates. Women who have chosen to give their children up. And women who’ve chosen to abort.

We’ll explore motherhood across the planet and within cultures. We consider Mama Gaia herself as well as the archetypal Great Mother.

We’re here to shift the paradigm around what it is to mother and to be mothered. To let go of the shame and the shoulds and free ourselves within the prima materia that is Mother.

your host


As the mother of an adopted daughter from Japan, as the daughter of a Midwestern Catholic mother, and as a student of the Divine Feminine archetype of the Great Mother, I am deeply committed to supporting the planet in a return to right relationship with that which we know as Mother.

It is this relationship, in all of its iterations, that is the basis for how we each walk in the world. When we begin to heal this most primordial relationship, by returning to our essence as love, we begin to end issues such as social inequity, the climate crisis, corruption in politics and corporations, disease and so much more.

These are the seeds of intention I am planting with the creation of this podcast. May they fruit and flower in great abundance!

Delphine is the Mother Force!

~ Josh N.